Protect Paradise!

As an Ecotourism Australia ‘Hall of Fame’ and ‘Advanced Eco Certified’ tourism operator, Ocean Rafting is committed to giving back to our stunning Visit Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. While many of our initiatives focus on the protection, conservation and education of our local fringing reefs, our passionate team of Master Reef Guides, Marine Biologists and eco-warriors also strive to keep our beautiful beaches clean! Last week our team, along with several volunteers, journeyed to our more remote southern Whitsunday Islands to remove marine debris. Collecting over 20 large bags of plastic pollution, breaking this cycle will prevent this waste from breaking down into billions of pieces of micro-plastics. While this is just the tip of the iceberg, cleaning these beaches is a fantastic way to get our team and community involved, and to give back to our postcard-perfect backyard!