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What is Coral?
What is coral? Is it an animal, plant or rock? To the naked eye, it is a bit tricky to tell! But the answer is actually all 3! With over 600 species of coral found on the Great Barrier Reef, a basic understanding of what you are looking at, really helps you appreciate the beauty […]

Maori Wrasse – The Friendliest Fish on the Reef
The Great 8 The Great 8 are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. The creatures we all want to see! Ranging from reptile to mammals, from little to large, the Great 8 wish list reflects the outstanding diversity of the reef. Have you always wanted to swim with a Maori Wrasse, or see the magnificent […]

Manta Rays – Our Favourite Plankton Scoopers
The Great 8 The Great 8 are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. The creatures we all want to see! Ranging from reptile to mammals. From little to large. The Great 8 wish list reflects the outstanding diversity of the Reef. Have you always wanted to swim with Manta Rays, or see the magnificent Humpback […]

The Majestic Humpback Whale
The Great 8 The Great 8 are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. The creatures we all want to see! Ranging from reptile to mammals, from little to large, the Great 8 wish list reflects the outstanding diversity of the Reef. Have you always wanted to swim with a Turtle, or see the magnificent Humpback […]

23.06.20 – False Killer Whales
‘It doesn’t get much better than this” Tuesday 23rd June 2020 saw an epic marine encounter! A playful pod of False Killer Whales were kind enough to escort us home on our Northern Exposure Tour. Named because of their similar skull structure to the famous Killer Whales, False Killer Whales are actually from the dolphin […]

Ocean Rafting and Parley Team up to remove marine debris from the Whitsunday Islands
Ocean Rafting is proud to have facilitated a forth local beach clean with Parley for our Oceans amongst the Whitsunday Islands. The weather cleared, and the wind eased allowing us to explore some of the more remote beaches on the south-east side of Whitsunday Island. Some of the beaches are so untouched by humans they […]