The Great 8
The Great 8 are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. The creatures we all want to see! Ranging from reptile to mammals, from little to large, the Great 8 wish list reflects the outstanding diversity of the Reef. Have you always wanted to swim with a Turtle, or see the magnificent Humpback Whale in their natural environment? Below is everything you need to know about one of the Great 8 and how to increase your chances of seeing them!
Humpback Whales
A Whitsunday winter is unlike winters elsewhere in the world. With a drop in humidity, and little to no rainfall, it is the perfect time to visit the tropics. Winter isn’t just a great time for tourists but also for one of our favourite seasonal visitors. With over 30 species of marine mammals found on the GBR, the majestic Humpback Whale is the largest and arguably the most abundant.

Humpback Whale Facts
Humpbacks are best known for their acrobatic displays and complex song. With the females growing up to 16m in length and weighing up to 40 tons there is nothing more spectacular than seeing a Humpback leaping from the water. This display known as breaching as well as tail and fin slaps is one of the reasons we all love these beautiful creatures. Why do they do it? For Fun? To communicate? To clean itself of barnacles? Maybe to impress the Ladies?! This is still up for debate amongst scientists but we love these acrobatic displays nonetheless!
The Whitsundays is a protected area for the Humpback Whales with various restrictions in place for viewing these animals. This is because the Whitsundays is a key mating and breeding ground for the females from May to September. The Whitsundays is therefore the birth place for many of these Whales! With calves born at a weight of 1 ton, this is still no small animal! Their curious nature often provides epic guest experiences on their own terms. Nature at its finest!
If you are not fortunate enough to see a Whale on your trip with Ocean Rafting, this doesn’t mean you can’t hear them! If you dive below the surface at the snorkel location, it is not uncommon to hear high pitched whistles and squeaks. Humpbacks are known for their complex whale songs. This song is produced only by the males and is thought to be a form of communication or to attract a mate.
History of the Humpback Whale
Between 1952 and 1962 Humpback Whales were subject to commercial whaling, which saw a massive decline in their numbers. By 1962 a population once estimated at being close to 40,000 had been reduced to as few as just a few hundred, leaving them commercially useless and on the brink of extinction. In 1963, Humpback whales became protected in the Southern Hemisphere before a worldwide ban on whaling was declared in 1986.
The Humpback Whale is still considered to be vulnerable. However, they also represent one of the greatest marine success stories. In a time that remains pivotal for the reefs future, these gentle giants are defying the odds. Once reduced to a population of just a few hundred, we now see a population growth of about 10% each year. There is now an estimated 30,000 whales on the annual migration along the east coast of Australia.
Want to go Whale Watching?
The Whitsundays is situated at the heart of this migration. The relatively shallow and sheltered waterways amongst the islands are the perfect mating and breading grounds for these creatures and often provide opportunities for epic guest encounters.

The Whitsundays is situated at the heart of this migration. The relatively shallow and sheltered waterways amongst the islands are the perfect mating and breading grounds for these creatures and often provide opportunities for epic guest encounters.
The Whale season in the Whitsundays runs from June through November, but this can vary season to season. If you’ve always wanted to see these amazing mammals Ocean Rafting is the perfect platform to do so. Our Fly and Raft package offers the best of both worlds. Offering a chance to see them from above on our scenic flight, as well as from the boat on either our Southern Lights or Northern Exposure tour. So if you’re planning a trip to the beautiful Whitsundays this winter don’t miss out on an opportunity to get close and personal with these epic creatures.