Recently, our team and some passionate volunteers jumped aboard our first Tins 4 Fins funded beach clean charter to remove marine debris and plastic pollution from some of our less visited Whitsunday Islands.
Heading down to Shaw and Thomas Islands in the southern Visit Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia, the team and volunteers managed to collect around 600 kilograms of plastic waste, discarded fishing gear and synthetic ropes. Originating from a range of local and international sources, this plastic pollution not only visually destroys our local beaches, but can also entangle and be ingested by wildlife, leach toxins into the ecosystem and break down into toxic micro-plastics. These microscopic plastic can then enter the food chain, which will almost certainly lead to the ingestion by humans.

Collective action by community, industry and government to choose sustainable options, minimise waste and undertake stewardship activities, like this beach clean, is required to reduce the impacts of marine debris on the Great Barrier Reef.

Tins 4 Fins is an Ocean Rafting initiative, lead by crew-member Jess, to use proceeds from recycling cans and bottles from our tours to fund environmental activities, wildlife research and more!