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11.07.20 – Soldier Crabs
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is home to many different habitats. Ranging from coral reefs, mangroves, islands and beaches the Whitsundays really showcases everything that the GBR has to offer. Thats why this week, were showing off Hill Inlets famous soldier crabs! These little guys form ‘armies’ during the low tide and with Ocean […]

23.06.20 – False Killer Whales
‘It doesn’t get much better than this” Tuesday 23rd June 2020 saw an epic marine encounter! A playful pod of False Killer Whales were kind enough to escort us home on our Northern Exposure Tour. Named because of their similar skull structure to the famous Killer Whales, False Killer Whales are actually from the dolphin […]

04.06.20 – Manta Ray
Introducing this gentle giant ‘Coral Guardian’. This Manta Ray (Mobula alfredi) came to visit Reef Ecologic crew and volunteers from Ocean Rafting after outplanting over 650 corals in Manta Ray Bay as part of the Whitsunday Restoration Project. The individual belly markings uniquely identify each Manta like a fingerprint. The Crew at Reef Ecologic submitted […]