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08.10.20 – Whitetip Reef Shark
Sharks are largely misunderstood creatures. With movies like Jaws giving these guys a bad name, many fear these amazing creatures. But with over 375 species of sharks found across the globe, only a handful of these species show aggressive behaviour towards humans. This week our Eco-Host Shelly onboard Thrilla got to hang out with a […]

02.10.20 – Juvenile Shovelnose Ray
This week our eco-host Nicole led a group of lucky passengers on a guided mangrove walk through Hill Inlet. The group were treated to this cool sighting of a juvenile Shovelnose Ray! This little guy, not much bigger than 30cm in length can expect to grow to almost 3m when fully grown! The mangroves act […]

Ocean Rafting’s continued involvement in the Whitsunday Water Quality Sampling Project
This week an additional three staff members took part in a fresh round of training in the Whitsunday water quality monitoring citizen science project. Ocean Rafting has been involved in this Blueprint for Tourism operators since February 2020 and were able to repurpose vessels under Covid-19 guidelines to continue to collect this valuable data during […]

19.09.20 – Golden Orb Spider
The Great Barrier Reef spans for over 345,000km². Within that area there are seven core habitats that are all connected to the reef itself. These habitats are mangroves, forests, coastlines, seagrass meadows, lagoon floors, islands, open water and of course coral reefs. That is why this week we bring you a sighting from one of […]

06.09.20 – Blue Tiger Butterflies
It’s not always our regular turtles, whales, dolphins and manta rays that take our breath away! These Blue Tiger butterflies are currently in mass proportions here in the Whitsundays! These butterflies are flocking to the flowering grass trees on the Whitsunday Islands, providing an incredible spectacle when startled!

Whitsunday Reef Health Update – August 2020
This post marks the start of Ocean Rafting’s quarterly updates on reef health around the Whitsundays. With our talented crew visiting the reef every day of the year, there is no one better placed to monitor and notice changes on our beautiful section of the Great Barrier Reef. For the first update, we will talk […]