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Sharks – “I am a nice Shark, not a mindless Eating Machine” – Bruce
THE GREAT 8 The Great 8 are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. The creatures we all want to see! Ranging from reptile to mammals, from little to large, the Great 8 wish list reflects the outstanding diversity of the reef. Have you always wanted to see Sharks in the wild, or see the magnificent […]

24.12.20 – Christmas Tree Worms
It’s that time of year! This week we bring you a festive sighting! The Christmas Tree Worm. Whilst these spectacularly coloured marine creatures are a favourite amongst guests and crew, very few know the importance of these little guys to our reef. Much like trees that populate the land, Christmas Tree worms have complex ‘root […]

Coral Re-seeding Project
Ocean Rafting has been involved in another environmental initiative this week in a project named Boats4Corals. The once a year natural phenomenon that is coral spawning occurred this week, with all the corals around our islands simultaneously releasing their reproductive cells into the water column. The spawning is a key date on the reef calendar […]

Eye on the Reef
Eye on the Reef is Ocean Rafting’s longest running environmental initiative with our initial engagement in this project starting in 2007. Here at Ocean Rafting, we are proud to hold the Advanced Ecotourism Certification as well as being entered in the Ecotourism Hall of Fame for being certified for over 20 years, one of only […]

05.11.20 – Osprey
This week we bring you another sighting from one of the islands. Nesting on the rocks is this magnificent bird of prey, an Osprey! Ospreys grow over half a meter tall and have a wingspan of up to 170cm! Easily confused with the white-bellied sea eagle the best way to distinguish this bird from other […]

What is Coral Spawning?
What is coral spawning? Something most people have heard of, but often something that people don’t fully understand. It is often mistaken for algae blooms such as Trichodesmium. But in reality, coral spawn is much rarer and more significant than people might think. Coral spawn is one of natures most spectacular events. Hard, stony corals […]